Then I’m reminded of a Bible passage (Matt. 24), and I shiver as I realize that we are currently watching the proverbial scroll unfold. It’s the final countdown before the second coming of Christ. (Whether or not you or I believe it, doesn’t make it any less the Truth.)
I believe in my heart that McCain and Palin will win the White House, because there are many, many Christians who are praying, “Thy Kingdom come, THY WILL BE DONE” in this election. I hope and pray I am not wrong. (But I remind myself that God is in control, no matter who is in office, and He is NOT watching us here below, wringing His hands in dismay.) While America, who has largely turned her back on God and embraced the very things that are an abomination to Him, deserves judgment, I keep in mind that mercy has always triumphed over judgment. Now, America is trying to embrace Obama. It is a dark, dry time in our land.
If Obama manages to deceive the population into electing him, I expect that the people who voted for him who consider themselves Christians will get a nasty wake up call. It just may be the wake up call that America must have to be the nation (called by His name), who humbles herself to pray and seek His face (2 Chronicles 7:14). Christians need to quit looking at the distractions, i.e. the economy, the war, political correctness, (distractions of the “little foxes” variety, Sol 2) and look at the real issues. We are electing the leader of the free world, do we want a Godless administration? Taking God out of our schools hasn’t been a good idea; taking God out of our government is just as bad an idea.
Even for the people who don’t believe in God, the choice is vast experience and patriotic service over no experience and questionable patriotism. The deception is obvious, not even candy-coated: ACORN. Jeremiah Wright. Muslim ties. William Ayers. Al Sharpton. Socialism.
It’s most fitting that I choose the day of Halloween to talk about this election. It’s a “holiday” for which I have lost understanding…why is it, again, that we celebrate witches and ghosts and goblins with candy? People have tombstones and fake murder victims on their front lawns. Yes…the day is fitting indeed.
Christians, pray. Pray for the Holy Spirit to hover over every voting booth, and pray often: THY KINGDOM COME, THY WILL BE DONE. This election is just that important. It’s. Just. That. Important.
I'm just sayin'