Thursday, May 7, 2009

Ropes are for Hanging

When you get to the end of your rope,
Here are the Knots to hang on to:…

We are hard-pressed on every side, yet Knot crushed;
We are perplexed, but Knot in despair;
Persecuted, but Knot forsaken;
Struck down, but Knot destroyed
—II Corinthians 4:8-9

(Pictures from Knot & Rope Supply)

It is Thankful Thursday
...and I am thankful…

For the rain! The drought has officially ended.
For God’s vast patience, countless (and sure) mercies, and boundless grace.
For people who like me.
For the protection and blessings of my family, whom I dearly love.
For my sisters.
For my sisters who weren’t born my sisters.
For my job…I am truly blessed in this area.
For Freedom.


  1. Love your knots and your entry.

  2. this was a great entry, Meg! I agree with Julie, I do love your knots! so thankful you are my friend!! Now when did you change the name of your journal??? I do like this name.

    I do fear American Christians will one day be persecuted. I'm not sure if we will see it in our lifetime, but I believe it is sooner than we could have imagined just a few short years ago. Like you said, I do believe we need to keep praying, praying, praying, praying and then pray some more for our country and its leaders ;)


  3. Great post Meg ! Linda in Washington

  4. My goodness Meg I thought you had disappeared! Good to see an entry from you - and a neat entry it is :-)


Thanks for visiting...Have a Pearl of a Day!